

Page history last edited by Sandra Annette Rogers 10 years, 8 months ago





Tests & Homework

Teacher’s Comments &

Project Due Dates



Discussion: Introduction to course of study,  obstacles to speed reading, and Locke’s goal setting theory




  1. Take a 1-minute fluency test
  2. Take the MyReadingLab diagnostic test at home. You will get the access card from Emily either by Friday. Take the test over the weekend. Do not wait until Monday during class. 
  3. Take the MyReadingLab Lexile Locator test at home.  Don't wait!





  1. Medical terminology pre-test in class (paper & pencil).
  2. IRAT/GRAT on Friday based on content from Week 1-2. (We covered Week 2 because we didn't have the MyReadingLab purchased.) 
  3. Read research article for next week: Subvocalization: Aural and EMB Feedback in Reading. Be prepared for discussion.

The MRL Lexile Locator test will measure your level of reading comprehension.  Your goal is to reach or exceed the lexile of 1330, which is the readability level of the MCAT.


The MRL Diagnostic reading test will determine your study plan.  This research –based computer program is data-driven to individualize your study plan. 


Write your initial WPM test, MRL lexile, and MRL diagnostic test on your growth chart. This growth chart document will be used to determine your performance. Then write your goals and email them to me. Thanks!


June 4-6


Discussion: Speed Reading Strategies


  1. Select a topic of Leveled Reading (Lexile) on MRL
  2. Select a MRL Reading Module
  3. 1-minute fluency test


  1. Create your electronic vocabulary deck on Dictionary.com. See directions for Individual Project
  2. Study the medical terminology on this site to learn about the human body:


Share your personal goals for your reading rate (WPM) and Lexile level with your instructor this week during one-on-one mini-conferences during the computer lab time of the class. Remember to email them to me in advance.

June 11-13


Discussions: Characteristics & Strategies of a Critical Thinker, and how to read a science article


  1. Leveled Reading (Lexile) Test
  2. Select another MRL Reading Module
  3. 1-minute fluency test
  1. Study your vocabulary log.
  2. Study the medical terminology on the HKU website.
  3. Read various articles to prepare for the debate.




June 18-20



Teams will discuss which learning skills or strategies they think are most useful to improving reading



  1. Take another Lexile test
  2. 1-minute fluency test
  3. Select another MRL Reading Module




  1. Study medical terminology 1-100 from list.

1st Group Project Due: Groups will share their favorite learning tools in an informal presentation. (5 min. each)


Note: You will also meet with your teacher one-on-one to discuss your goal achievement in regards to reading rate and lexile level.  Bring your growth chart.  (Midway appraisal of incremental growth) 


June 25-27th


Discuss topics for potential debate of a  controversial medical issue 


  1. Select another MRL Module
  2. Take another Lexile Test
  3. 1-minute fluency tests


  1. Study medical terminology 101-200 from list.

Prepare for Debate. The class will decide the topic for the debate after a democratic selection process.  


Note: School will be closed on July 4th  .


July 2

(No class on  4th)


Discussion: The most commonly used word parts: prefixes, roots, and suffixes; and

Latin & Greek word parts that form

Medical Vocabulary

  1. Select another MRL module
  2. Take another Lexile Test
  3. 1-minute fluency test


  1. Read The Critical Reader by Edgar Dale



Thursday: The debate teams will present their information each followed by rebuttals in front of invited guests.  Business casual dress is required on that day.




July 9th-11th


Discussion: Following the Author’s Thought Pattern; and PowerPoint titled, The Effective Reader from Pearson




  1. Take final Lexile Test
  2. Take the MRL Reading Diagnostic Post-test.
  3. Take final 1-minute fluency test.
  1. Medical and research terminology post-test (paper & pencil).
  2. Complete your Growth Chart


July 16th-18th


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