
Word Parts

Page history last edited by Sandra Annette Rogers 10 years, 7 months ago


Week 6: Word Parts 


This list, compiled by White, Sowell, and Yanagihara (The Reading Teacher, 42, p. 306), has the twenty most frequently-used prefixes. In fact, these prefixes make up 97% of all prefixed words!


Rank Prefix Meaning                         Rank Prefix Meaning (****20 most used!)

1. un = not                                  11. pre =before

2. re = again                               12. inter =between

3. in, im, il, ir = not                   13. fore =in front

4. dis= away from                     14. de =apart from

5. en, em =in                             15. trans =across

6. non= not                                16. super =above

7. in, im= in                              17. semi= half

8. over =above                          18. anti =against

9. mis =not                                19. mid =middle

10. sub =under                          20. under =too little


Frequently-Used Roots

(Adapted from Stahl, S.A. and Shiel, T.G., Reading and Writing Quarterly: Overcoming Learning Disabilities, 8, 223-241)


Root Meaning Origin Example

Aud= hear, from Latin auditorium

Mis= send, from Latin mission

astro =star, from Greek astrology

ped= foot, from Latin pedal

bio= life, from Greek biology

phon= sound, from Greek telephone

dict= say, from Latin predict

port= carry, from Latin import

geo= earth, from Greek geography

scrib= write, from Latin scribble

meter =measure, from Greek thermometer

scrip= write, from  Latin scripture

min= little, small Latin minimum

spect= see, from Latin inspect

mit=send, from Latin transmit

struct =build, from Latin instruct


Most Commonly-Used Suffixes

Suffix Meaning

_s, _es =plural or verb tense

_ed = past verb tense

_ing = progressive or gerund verb tense

_ly =how, when, where, or under what conditions

_er, _or =one who

_er =comparative adjective

_tion, _ion, _sion, _ition, _ation=the process or act of

_able, _ible =able to be

_al, _ial =related to

_y =consisting of or inclined toward

_ness =state, quality, condition, degree


Teacher-made resources:

See chart on color related prefixes.


See chart on prefixes related to direction.



Strategy for learning vocabulary: In order to retain new vocabulary, you need to interact with the terminology over several episodes of study.  Create quizzes, crossword puzzles, or flashcards to help you recall the material or not.  Oftentimes, we assume we know the definitions of words when really all we remember is the name of the word.  Here's an article about the efficacy of incorporating flashcard decks into your study: http://voxy.com/blog/2011/05/are-flashcards-an-effective-learning-tool-infographic/.


Research literature does not support cramming.  "Overlearning facilitates memory...practice sessions are typically more effective when they are spaced out over a period of time--that is when they reflect distributed practice rather than massed practice (Ormrod, 2012)." (See also Bahrick, & Bahrick, 1993; Dempster, 1991; Kornell, Castell, Eich, & Bjork, 2010; and Pahler, Rohrer, Cepeda, & Carpenter, 2007). This is called the spacing effect. Therefore, if you wait till the last moment to do your project, your recall of the terminology will be weak. In fact, cramming at the last minute means you are trying to relearn everything. Simply put, learning takes time. See the Reading Process Map to review how rehearsal, distributed practice, paying attention leads to retention of vocabulary.



1. Continue researching articles and information to use in the debate. Share findings with your team in a summary of key issue and include name of authors and date.


2. Study the medical terminology list of words 101-200 for in-class quiz on Thursday


3. Complete another MRL lexile test ( you should have 4 done by this week).


4. Complete another MRL module posttest (you should have 4 complete modules done this week). 


IRAT quiz on word parts, including the color-related and directional prefixes. You need to study the words in the chart and PowerPoint, too.



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