Vocabulary E-Learning Tools
I. Electronic Vocabulary Logs
A. Quizlet: http://quizlet.com/4296152/dean-vaughn-medical-terminology-lesson-1-flash-cards/
B. Dean Vaughn Medical Terminology on StudyStack: http://www.studystack.com/flashcard-243558
II. MyReadingLab.com (MRL) is a Pearson online, computerized reading program that diagnoses a student's weaknesses in reading and their current reading level (lexile) which provides data-driven homework for self-study. Mrs. Rogers will build a MRL study course and monitor students' performance. Students will receive their login information from the DREAM coordinator. Here's the link to the site: http://www.myreadinglab.com/. MRL assignments include reading modules and lexile tests.
III.Tabor's Medical Online Dictionary: http://www.tabers.com/tabersonline/ub?cmd=learn
IV. Learn the components and functions of the brain:
a. FunnelBrain:http://www.funnelbrain.com/category.php?sid=195
b. Brainwaves: Image of the brain and definitions of its components- http://www.brainwaves.com/brain_diagram.html
c. Brain Health & Puzzles: http://www.brainhealthandpuzzles.com/diagram_of_brain.html
V. Are Flashcards an Effective Learning Tool? http://voxy.com/blog/2011/05/are-flashcards-an-effective-learning-tool-infographic/
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